Cultured Stem Cells:
NOT all «stem cell» treatments are the same.

The field of Regenerative Medicine has been hailed as the most promising research field in modern medicine.
Stem cell treatments have raised many expectations about the new possibilities it opens to heal injuries or diseases that until now had no solution.
However, not all stem cell treatments are the same. It has flourished around the world, unproven clinics and treatments, with nonexistent information on their efficacy and safety. All this taking advantage of the media hype and the hope that stem cells generate for many patients.
Recently, the American FDA has set up the classification of stem cell treatments between PROVEN and UNPROVEN and has begun to ban those that have not proven their effectiveness.
Cultured Stem Cells is the only scientifically PROVEN treatment
We have made history by developing an exclusive worldwide protocol, with proven and unprecedented results in clinical trials. While other therapies simply include “some” stem cells, we offer real regeneration.
Only a volume of million of units of stem cells is regeneration possible, and only ITRT can offer that.
Stem cells are sent to the laboratory, where they are selected and cultured for 3 weeks to obtain and exceed 250 million units. Only in this way is the “miracle” of tissue creation possible.
Clinical trials have shown that it is a permanent therapy. Tissue starts to regenerate from the very first moment and continues to do so naturally in successive years.
Cultured Mesenchymal Stem Cell therapy practiced by our medical team is performed within strict compliance of the EMAA and AEMPS regulatory framework and all patients are included in a clinical trial supervised by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee and EMAA.

Why our exclusive treatment is one-of-a-kind?

We have scientifically demonstrated in clinical trial that only by using millions of units can the regeneration process be activated. Our therapy applies millions of stem cells, certified by our laboratory.

Clinical trials:
Over the course of more than 20 years, we have conducted 23 clinical trials that have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of our therapy, constituting the largest knowledge base worldwide in regenerative therapy.

There are many types of stem cells, but we have demonstrated that only 3 of them are effective when applied to tissues. In the laboratory, we select the correct types of stem cells to ensure regeneration.

Cellular culturing:
Once the appropriate stem cells are selected, the very small quantity obtained through isolation undergoes an activation and culturing process, causing them to begin multiplying until reaching millions of units.

Cells from donors:
We have proven in several clinical trials that we can use stem cells from other donors. This fact is very important especially for elderly patients, those with urgent needs, or serious illnesses.


Clinical Trials (Largest scientific evidence worldwide)

Doses of Cultured Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Endorsed by Health Authorities
Osteoarthritis Treatment
with cultured stem cells

For the first time, we have proven in clinical trials that it IS POSSIBLE to regenerate joint cartilage.
We specialize in treating Knee Osteoarthritis and have broad experience in hip, elbow, hands and feet.
We have offered a new lease of life not only to the knees of top elite sportspeople, but also to seniors.

Osteoarthritis Treatment
with cultured stem cells
For the first time, we have proven in clinical trials that it IS POSSIBLE to regenerate joint cartilage.
We specialize in treating Knee Osteoarthritis and have broad experience in hip, elbow, hands and feet.
We have offered a new lease of life not only to the knees of top elite sportspeople, but also to seniors.
Tendon Injuries
with cultured stem cells

Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment
with cultured stem cells

Our therapy has been proven to significantly improve lower back pain and disability, promoting regeneration in patients with Degenerative Lumbar Disc Disease.
Implanted Cultured Stem Cells continue to create new tissue even years after treatment. Over 300 people from different countries have already won their lives back.

Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment
with cultured stem cells
Our therapy has been proven to significantly improve lower back pain and disability, promoting regeneration in patients with degenerative lumbar disc disease.
Implanted Cultured Stem Cells continue to create new tissue even years after treatment. Over 300 people from different countries have already won their lives back.
Xerostomy (Dry Mouth) Treatment
with cultured stem cells

We are the first medical center to develope therapy with cultured stem cells for regenerating salivary glands destroyed by cancer treatments or Sjögren’s Syndrome.
Treatment increases salivary production and flow and enhances perception of the taste of food and the pleasure of eating.
Xerostomy (Dry Mouth) Treatment
with cultured stem cells
We are the first medical center to develope therapy with cultured stem cells for regenerating salivary glands destroyed by cancer treatments.
Treatment increases salivary production and flow and enhances perception of the taste of food and the pleasure of eating.

Pseudarthrosis (Non-Union) Treatment
with cultured stem cells

Over 60 treatments performed have shown the effectiveness in regenerating bones that fail to join, including injuries suffered by elite athletes, who are household names.
We treat Atrophic Pseudarthrosis, as well as femur, tibia and fibula or collar bone.

Pseudarthrosis (Non-Union) Treatment
with cultured stem cells
Over 60 treatments performed have shown the effectiveness in regenerating bones that fail to join, including serious injuries suffered by elite athletes, who are household names.
We treat Atrophic Pseudarthrosis, as well as femur, tibia and fibula or collar bone.
Osteonecrosis (Avascular Necrosis) Treatment
with cultured stem cells

Osteonecrosis or Avascular Necrosis, is caused by the death of bone tissue due to a lack of blood flow. Our treatment is a real solution that has already helped 25 patients.
We have shown that it is possible to recover bone and even cartilage and thus prevent the need of prosthesis.
Osteonecrosis (Avascular Necrosis) Treatment
with cultured stem cells
Osteonecrosis or Avascular Necrosis, is caused by the death of bone tissue due to a lack of blood flow. Our treatment is a real solution that has already helped 25 patients.
We have shown that it is possible to recover bone and even cartilage and thus prevent the need of prosthesis.