Rotator cuff tear

Rotator cuff tear

First treatment proven to heal a rotator cuff tear

Definitive solution that cures the injury in record time

We heal injuries previously considered incurables


Tendons healed


Clinical trial about tendon regeneration. Published at the American Journal of Sports Medicine.

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Tendons healed

Clinical trial about tendon regeneration. Published at the American Journal of Sports Medicine.

Rotator cuff tear

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons located in the shoulder that are essential for the stability and proper movement of the shoulder joint. The rotator cuff is composed of four muscles and their tendons that surround the shoulder joint:


It is one of the major muscles of the rotator cuff and is located on the top of the shoulder. Its primary function is to assist in initiating arm abduction (lifting the arm to the sides).


It is located in the back and lower part of the shoulder blade. Its main function is the external rotation of the shoulder.

Teres minor:

It is located beneath the infraspinatus and also assists in the external rotation of the shoulder.


It is located in the front of the shoulder blade and is responsible for the internal rotation of the shoulder.

Rotura del supraespinoso

Rotator cuff tears, often referred to as supraspinatus tears in many cases, are common injuries that can cause pain, weakness, and limitations in shoulder function.

Until now, the only treatment has been surgery, which, while repairing the injury, often leads to permanent discomfort for the patient and does not always restore full functionality to the joint.

Rotator cuff tear

Our exclusive therapy applies 20 milions CULTURED stem cells 

and has been scientifically proven to regenerate tendon.

Only with milions of units is the regeneration mechanism activated.

Rotator cuff tear
Rotator cuff tear regenerated
pacientes itrt


ensayos clinicos itrt

Clinical trials (Largest scientific evidence)

celulas madre cultivadas itrt

Implanted doses of Cultured Mesenchymal Stem Cells (CMSC)

logo aemps

Endorsed by health authorities

Challenges in the treatment of Rotator Cuff Tear

Anatomical Complexity

 The shoulder joint is a complex structure with multiple components, which can make precise identification and proper treatment of rotator cuff tears challenging.

Slow Recovery:

Due to the low vascularity of the rotator cuff tendons, recovery from tears can be slow and prolonged, especially in severe cases.


Rotator cuff tears have a high recurrence rate, meaning that patients may experience new injuries even after successful recovery.

Our exclusive therapy has demonstrated 100% effectiveness, with complete tissue regeneration in record time and without the need for invasive surgeries, which often fail to restore full joint functionality.

This is a groundbreaking therapy on a global scale, built upon over 20 years of study and research in Regenerative Medicine.

Explain your case to us. We can help you

Why our exclusive treatment is one-of-a-kind?

Only ITRT applies the therapy that heals a rotator cuff tear

Not all stem cell treatments are equal; many of them barely contain a handful of stem cells, at best.

Our exclusive therapy of cultivated stem cells is the only one in the field of Regenerative Medicine that has scientifically demonstrated its effectiveness and safety. Only ITRT applies this therapy, which is the result of over 20 years of research.

Differences of our exclusive therapy from the rest of the mislabeled ‘stem cell’ treatment:

Ensayos clinicos

Clinical trials:

Over the course of more than 20 years, we have conducted 23 clinical trials that have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of our therapy, constituting the largest knowledge base worldwide in regenerative therapy.

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We have scientifically demonstrated in clinical trial that only by using millions of units can the regeneration process be activated. Our therapy applies millions of stem cells, certified by our laboratory.



There are many types of stem cells, but we have demonstrated that only 3 of them are effective when applied to tissues. In the laboratory, we select the correct types of stem cells to ensure regeneration.

Activación celular

Cellular activation:

Once the appropriate stem cells are selected, the very small quantity obtained through isolation undergoes an activation process, causing them to begin multiplying until reaching millions of units.

Otros donantes

Cells from donors:

We have demonstrated in several clinical trials that we can use stem cells from other donors. This fact is very important especially for elderly patients, those with urgent needs, or serious illnesses.

Scientific endorsement

Stop the pain. Tell us about your case, we can help you