First treatment proven to heal a hamstring tear

Definitive solution that cures the injury in record time

We heal injuries previously considered incurables


Tendons healed


Clinical trial about tendon regeneration. Published at the American Journal of Sports Medicine.

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Tendons healed with Cultured Stem Cells

Clinical trial about tendon regeneration. Published at the American Journal of Sports Medicine.

Hamstring tear

Our exclusive therapy applies 20 milions CULTURED stem cells 

and has been scientifically proven to regenerate tendon.

Only with milions of units is the regeneration mechanism activated.

Hamstring tear
Hamstring tear
pacientes itrt

Patients healed

ensayos clinicos itrt

Clinical Trials (Largest scientific evidence)

celulas madre cultivadas itrt

Implanted doses of Cultured Mesenchymal Stem Cells (CMSC)

logo aemps

Endorsed by health authorities


The hamstring muscles comprise a group of three muscles that run along the back of the thigh from the hip to just below the knee.

These muscles facilitate straight leg extension backward and knee flexion. When any of these muscles are excessively stretched or overloaded, an injury can occur.

How to identify a hamstring tear:

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  • A hamstring muscle injury usually causes sudden, sharp pain in the back of the thigh.
  • It is also possible to feel a “popping” or tearing sensation.
  • Swelling and tenderness tend to appear within a few hours.
  • Some people experience muscle weakness or cannot put weight on the injured leg.
  • There may be bruising or changes in skin color on the back of the leg.

Challenges in treating a hamstring tear

A hamstring injury occurs due to the tension or stretching of one of the hamstring muscles, a group of three muscles that run along the back of the thigh.

People who play sports that involve running with sudden stops and starts often suffer hamstring muscle injuries. Some examples include soccer, basketball, football, and tennis, although they can also occur in runners and dancers.

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Anatomical complexity:

The deep location of the hamstring muscles and the complexity of their structure make it difficult to accurately assess and treat injuries.

Slow recovery:

Due to the low vascularity of the hamstring tendons, recovery from injuries tends to be slower compared to others.


Hamstring injuries have a high recurrence rate. Patients may experience recurrent episodes of injury even after seemingly successful recovery.

Why our exclusive treatment is one-of-a-kind?

Not all stem cell treatments are the same; many of them barely contain a handful of stem cells, at best.

Our exclusive therapy of cultivated stem cells is the only one in the field of Regenerative Medicine that has scientifically demonstrated its effectiveness and safety. Only ITRT applies this therapy, which is the result of over 20 years of research.

Differences of our exclusive therapy from the rest of mislabeled ‘stem cell’ treatments:

Ensayos clinicos

Clinical Trials:

Over the course of more than 20 years, we have conducted 23 clinical trials that have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of our therapy, constituting the largest knowledge base worldwide in regenerative therapy.

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We have scientifically demonstrated in clinical trial that only by using millions of units can the regeneration process be activated. Our therapy applies millions of stem cells, certified by our laboratory.



There are many types of stem cells, but we have demonstrated that only 3 of them are effective when applied to tissues. In the laboratory, we select the correct types of stem cells to ensure regeneration.

Activación celular

Cellular Activation:

Once the appropriate stem cells are selected, the very small quantity obtained through isolation undergoes an activation process, causing them to begin multiplying until reaching millions of units.

Otros donantes

Cells from donors:

We have demonstrated in several clinical trials that we can use stem cells from other donors. This fact is very important especially for elderly patients, those with urgent needs, or serious illnesses.

Leave your tear behind. We can really help you

Real results, real hope.
The case of a professional athlete.

The exclusive Cultivated Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy developed by ITRT is the only therapy worldwide that has scientifically proven to regenerate hamstring muscles and restore tissue in record time and without relapses.

While surgery repairs, our therapy heals the injury as if it never existed. In the case of athletes, one month after implantation, they can return to training without load and gradually increase until training normally within 2 months


Real results, real hope

The case of a professional athlete
The exclusive Cultivated Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy developed by ITRT is the only therapy worldwide that has scientifically proven to regenerate hamstring muscles and restore tissue in record time and without subsequent relapses.

While surgery repairs, our therapy heals the injury as if it never existed. In the case of athletes, one month after implantation, they can return to training without load and gradually increase until training normally again within 2 months.



Scientific endorsement

Stop the pain. Tell us about your case, we can help you