Osteoarthritis Treatment

Osteoarthritis Treatment

We regenerate joint cartilage by creating new tissue

Our treatment makes prosthesis unnecessary as it regenerates tissues totally naturally

No one else worldwide can offer such a definitive solution


Cultured Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatments (Osteoarthritis)


Clinical Trials conducted. The largest worlwide scientific evidence.

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Clinical Trials conducted. The largest worlwide scientific evidence.

Cultured Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatments (Osteoarthritis)

Cartilage Regeneration with Cultured Stem Cells


Our therapy is based on CULTURED STEM CELLS,

because the scientific evidence has shown that only by multiplying them

to reach millions of units, regeneration can be achieved

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ensayos clinicos itrt

Clinical Trials (Largest scientific evidence worldwide)

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Implanted doses of Cultured Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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Endorsed by Health Authorities

What Osteoarthritis is?

What Osteoarthritis is?

Osteoarthritis is a rheumatic disease characterized by progressive degeneration of joint cartilage. This causes different degrees of swelling, pain and deformation. Everyone eventually suffers from osteoarthritis, as a result of aging, wear and tear mean that cartilage stops acting as a cushion between bones and, therefore, pain appears.

There are two stages to the disease: in the first there is no pain (silent), while in the second, the patient feels pain and swelling and deterioration of the cartilage appears.

Our treatment with Cultured Stem Cells regenerates cartilage with unprecedented results. New tissue is created where there was none before and therefore the injury disappears.


Osteoarthritis is?

Osteoarthritis is a rheumatic disease characterized by progressive degeneration of joint cartilage. This causes different degrees of swelling, pain and deformation. Everyone eventually suffers from osteoarthritis, as a result of aging, wear and tear mean that cartilage stops acting as a cushion between bones and, therefore, pain appears.

There are two stages to the disease: in the first there is no pain (silent), while in the second, the patient feels pain and swelling and deterioration of the cartilage appears.

Our treatment with Cultured Stem Cells regenerates cartilage with unprecedented results. New tissue is created where there was none before and therefore the injury disappears.

«I couldn't take it anymore. I used to think that it was much better to cut my foot off and have a prosthesis»

«I couldn't take it anymore. I used to think that it was much better to cut my foot off and have a prosthesis»
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Xevi Masip is a patient who came to ITRT with an injury on the right ankle joint that made him unable to walk, to the point of not even being able to go down the stairs of his house. 

After implanting a single dose of 40 Million Cultured Stem Cells he has recovered both tissues and lives a regular life, as if the injury had never existed.

«I couldn't take it anymore. I used to think that it was much better to cut my foot off and have a prosthesis»

Xevi Masip is a patient who came to ITRT with an injury to the right ankle joint that made him unable to walk, to the point of not even being able to go down the stairs of his house. 

After implanting a single dose of 40 million of Cultured Stem Cells, he has recovered both tissues and lives a regular life, as if the injury had never existed.

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artrosis de rodilla

Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee Osteoarthritis

The knee is one of the joints in which osteoarthritis most commonly develops, as it supports a person’s full body weight when walking, running or climbing the stairs.

At ITRT we have performed more than 1200 treatments with Cultured Stem Cells and have obtained unprecedented regeneration results, not only among the elderly but also with the professional athletes.

artrosis de rodilla



The knee is one of the joints in which osteoarthritis most commonly develops, as it supports a person’s full body weight when walking, running or climbing the stairs.

At ITRT we have performed more than 1200 treatments with Cultured Stem Cells and have obtained unprecedented regeneration results, not only among the elderly but also with the professional athletes.

Other Osteoarthritis

This disease can affect many joints in the body. Our treatment, which is endorsed by the health authorities, has proven to be effective in treating them all.

  • Hip
  • Elbow
  • Wrist
  • Hands
  • Ankle
  • Feet
  • Shoulders
  • Zygapophyseal Joint
  • Sacroiliac
  • Other joints…

Other Osteoarthritis

This disease can affect many joints in the body. Our treatment, which is endorsed by the health authorities, has proven to be effective in treating them all.

  • Hip
  • Elbow
  • Wrist
  • Hands
  • Ankle
  • Feet
  • Shoulders
  • Zygapophyseal Joint
  • Sacroiliac
  • Other joints…

«It's been 8 years since I don't know what it's like to suffer from the knees»

Ramon Ortiz was forced to drive a long time because of his work, but he could not stand more than 15 minutes at the wheel because of the pain in his knees due to osteoarthritis. After the treatment with Cultured Stem Cells, the pain disappeared almost immediately and the cartilage of his knees was completely regenerated. 

Today it is 8 years since the implantation and Ramon confesses “I left ITRT almost without pain, after 3 days it disappeared completely and 8 years ago I do not know what it is to suffer from the knees“.

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«It's been 8 years since I don't know what it's like to suffer from the knees»

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Ramon Ortiz was forced to drive a long time because of his work, but he could not stand more than 15 minutes at the wheel because of the pain in his knees due to osteoarthritis. After the treatment with Cultured Stem Cells, the pain disappeared almost immediately and the cartilage of his knees was completely regenerated. 

Today it is 8 years since the intervention and Ramon confesses “I left ITRT almost without pain, after 3 days it disappeared completely and 8 years ago I do not know what it is to suffer from the knees“.

Our exclusive therapy is able not only to stop progressive loss of articular cartilage but also to create new tissue with which knee function is recovered and pain is relieved In the first 3 months pain relief is noticeable, together with a functional recovery of the joint. This improves progressively on its own throughout the first and second year.

Just one dose of cultured stem cells is enough to unleash their regenerative power to heal the injury, restore quality of life and prevent the need for prosthesis. 

Cultivated Mesenchymal Stem Cell therapy practiced by our medical team is performed within strict compliance of the EMAA and AEMPS regulatory framework and all patients are included in a clinical trial supervised by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee and EMAA. 


Scientific Endorsement

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